Photographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3

Ich sehe das Schöne im Besonderen. Meine Vision ist: Momente in Bildern und Filmen weiterleben lassen. Die Menschen stehen bei mir dabei immer im Fokus. Mein Stil ist moody, vibey und natürlich.


Willkommen auf chrisvision. Ich bin Chris Kaeppel, Fotograf und Filmemacher aus Nürnberg.

Photographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3


Photographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3

Durch die Reduktion auf das Wesentliche kann ich mich komplett auf meine Motive fokussieren.

Chris Kaeppel with his Leica at a Homeshooting.

“Photography is, for me, a spontaneous impulse coming from an ever attentive eye which captures the moment and its eternity.”
– Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Reportage Photography
Brand Commercial Shoots
Portrait Photography
Indie Filmmaking
Musician Allie Neumann in Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelPhotographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3Photographer Chris Kaeppel with his CameraGirl on the streets of Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelPhotographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3
Chris Kaeppel with his Leica at a Homeshooting.Allie Neumann shooted by chrisvision with the new Leica Q3Girl on the streets of Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelGirl on the streets of Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelPhotographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3
Girl homeshooting in Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelGirl in the nature of Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelPhotographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3Girl  in the nature of Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelPhotographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3
Allie Neumann shooted by chrisvision with the new Leica Q3Allie Neumann shooted by chrisvision with the new Leica Q3Girl on the streets of Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelGirl on the streets of Nuremberg photographed by Chris KaeppelPhotographer Chris Kaeppel at the Streets of Nuremberg with his Leica Q3

Meine Journey in die Welt des Fotografierens und Filmemachens.


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